How to add a review
Assessments are tests that you can create within a unit of your course, in the Virtual Learning Environment, to test students' knowledge.
In this topic some models are available, they are:
Multiple choice
Prepare a question, put the answer options and define which will be the correct answer (Example: alternative A, B, C or D);
Fill gaps
Develop the question and use the [...] square brackets to enter answer options. When to use | to offer multiple answers, the first must be correct. For example:
The quick brown [fox] jumps over the lazy [dog].
The [largest|largest] planet in our solar system is [Jupiter|neptune|the earth].
Prepare the question, and write the answers in the right order, these will be shuffled so that the student puts them in the correct order to get the right answer.
Drag and drop
Elaborate the question and put the answers in pairs. These pairs of answers will be shuffled so that the student can put them together correctly.
Free text
Develop the question and add keywords along with the amount of points a given word will be worth. Also define the limit of points that the student must reach with the answer. You can set how many points are earned or lost based on specific keywords in the response. The answer is considered correct if the accumulated points are equal to or greater than the determined limit.
The “Random” option can be used to add existing questions, just create a name for it and select the questions that will be part of this group, so every time this question is presented, a random question will be used.
To add an assessment to your course:
1. Access the platform as an instructor;
2. On the home page, click on the course (1) you want to add;
3. On the course page, click Add (2);
4. From the drop-down list, click Test (3);
5. In Add Questions (4), choose the type of assessment you want to create by clicking on the corresponding option on the right side of the screen (see at the beginning of this article for the format of each type of assessment);
6. In Select Questions (5), you will see all the questions already created and you can select them for your evaluation;
7. In Set Question Order (6), you can organize the questions in your own way and define the order in which you want them to appear in the assessment;
8. In Set Question Weight (7), you can define how much each question added to the assessment will be worth;
9. In Test Options (8), you can define:
- Duration: Fill in the duration of the assessment in minutes.
- Minimum grade: enter the minimum percentage that the student needs to reach in the assessment.
- Randomization: Select between Shuffle questions or Shuffle alternatives.
- Repetitions: Allow the student to retake the assessment whether or not they pass, and determine the maximum number of attempts.
- Conclusion: From the available options, define the information that will appear to the student when they complete the assessment.
- Behavior: define a behavior rule when performing the assessment, from the available options.
- Security: Define a security rule to start the assessment.
10. Finally, click Save to finish.