Adding a Satisfaction Survey
Satisfaction surveys are forms that you can include within a unit of your course, in the Virtual Learning Environment.
You can create it in multiple choice or free text form.
In this topic, in addition to creating the survey questions, you can place them in the order you want, and define whether the answers will be shown to the student after completion and prevent them from progressing without at least having selected an answer.
To add a satisfaction survey to your course:
1. Access the platform as an instructor;
2. On the home page, click on the course (1) you want to add;
3. On the course page, click Add (2);
4. From the drop-down list, click Survey (3);
5. In Add Question (4), choose the type of survey you want to create by clicking on the corresponding option on the right side of the screen, Free Text or Multiple Choice;
6. In Select Questions (5), you will see all the questions already created and you can select them for your research;
7. In Set Question Order (6), you can organize the questions in your own way and define the order in which you want them to appear in the satisfaction survey;
8. In Survey Options (7), you can define:
- Show answers after completion: Answers to questions will only appear at the end of the quiz.
- Do not continue until an answer is chosen: the student will not be able to advance if an answer is not selected, that is, the answers will be mandatory.