How to create forums or debates
(Function only available for custom domains)
The Forums or Debates topic, available on the Virtual Learning Environment home page for instructors, allows instructors and students to communicate through discussions and debates on topics related to the course content.
To create Forums or Debates:
1. Access your platform as an instructor;
2. On the home page, click Discussions (1) on the right side of the screen;
3. On the Forums or Discussions page, you can see all previously created conversation threads;
4. To add a new conversation, click the New Topic button or if you haven't created any conversations yet, click Create your first conversation. You can also click Add discussion (1) on the home page;
5. In the Topic field (2), type a title about the topic of your discussion;
6. In the Message field (3), type a description to start the discussion. If necessary, attach an external file to your message (click Select an attachment (4));
7. Now select an audience (5) for your new topic. Click on the drop-down list at the bottom and choose from:
- Everyone can see this topic
- Only specific users can see this topic (users associated with a course or group)
- This is a private topic (only you can see this topic)
8. And finally, click Post (6) to open your new conversation thread.
A tag will appear next to the conversation topic and will show the audience chosen for that discussion (either the name of the group or course).
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