How to edit and view the course
To view your courses within the Virtual Learning Environment:
1. Access your platform as an instructor;
2. On the home page, click Courses (1) in the right corner of the screen;
3. A list of all available courses will appear, click on your course you want to edit or view;
4. You will be redirected to the page to edit course information, if you need any changes, edit and don't forget to click Update course (2) to save;
5. If you want to add new material to the course, click Go to course content (3), so you can update or add new content;
6. On the Users tab (4), you will have access to all participating users and the stage where each one is located;
Keep your course up to date. With the above guidelines, you will see how simple it is to update the content or material of an existing course, thus ruling out the possibility of deleting it and creating a new one.