How to create content by capturing video or audio
To save you valuable time, the platform lets you create new content by capturing video or audio without the use of a third-party application, just your browser and a webcam.
To create captured video or audio content, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your account as an Instructor and go to the page of the course you want to update.
2. Click Add and from the drop-down list, choose Video or Audio (1):

For video units: In the Select a video section, click Use a video (2) and, then, Record video (3).
For audio units: Click Record audio (4)
3. On the dialog box that pops up, click the record to initiate the recording.
4. When you have the content you need, click stop, to stop the recording. Click play to preview your recording before submitting it.
5. Click Submit to save the recording in the course files.
6. Type a name for your unit and click Save and view to add it to the course content.